

Celebrating National Plant a Flower Day | BeCause Tees

Celebrating National Plant a Flower Day

National Plant a Flower Day is more than just a day dedicated to the simple act of planting flowers; it's a day that reminds us of the beauty of nature and the importance of nurturing our environment. As spring approaches, this day offers a perfect opportunity to connect with nature, contribute to the local ecosystem, and add a splash of color to our surroundings. Find out more about National Plant a Flower Day below.

Flowers ready to be planted 

What is National Plant a Flower Day?

National Plant a Flower Day, observed every year on March 12th, is a celebration of the beauty and joy of gardening. It encourages people to plant flowers, whether it's in their backyard, community gardens, or even in pots indoors.

The day serves as a reminder to embrace the wonders of nature and take part in the process of nurturing and growing plants. It's an opportunity to create a more vibrant and colorful environment while experiencing the therapeutic benefits of gardening.

Why Plant Flowers?

Planting flowers goes beyond beautifying our gardens and homes. It plays a crucial role in supporting biodiversity, attracting pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, and helps contribute to the overall health of our planet. Flowers are essential in the reproduction of plants through pollination, leading to the fruits and seeds that feed countless species, including humans.

Getting involved in gardening activities, such as planting flowers, has been shown to have significant mental health benefits. It reduces stress, enhances mood, and promotes physical activity. In a world where urbanization and technology often distance us from nature, National Plant a Flower Day serves as a gentle nudge to reconnect with the earth and experience the therapeutic benefits of gardening.

California lilac with bee

How to Celebrate National Plant a Flower Day

1. Plant Native Plants

Research and select flowers native to your region. Native plants are adapted to the local climate and soil, require less water, and provide the best resources for local pollinators.

Whether you have a garden, a small patio, or even just a windowsill, you can plant flowers. Container gardening is an excellent solution if space is limited.

2. Visit a Local Nursery

Take a trip to a local nursery or garden center to explore the variety of flowers available. Staff can offer valuable advice on what plants will thrive in your area.

3. Plant with the Community

Join a community garden or start a planting project in your neighborhood. It's a great way to beautify communal spaces and foster a sense of community.

4. Attend Workshops 

Attend workshops or webinars hosted by gardening experts to expand your knowledge and learn new planting techniques. You could learn more about topics like organic gardening, flower arranging, or plant propagation.

5. Find Garden Shows and Tours

Take a look at what garden shows and tours take place in your area and book your tickets. Visiting shows and other people's gardens are great places to gain inspiration for your own garden. You could even set up tours of your own garden to inspire others within your local community to plant their own flowers.

6. Arrange Plant Swaps

Connect with fellow gardeners to organize plant swaps. This allows you to exchange plants, seeds, or cuttings, expanding your plant collection and fostering a sense of community.


National Plant a Flower Day is a celebration of nature's beauty and a reminder of our responsibility to care for our planet. By planting flowers, we can enhance biodiversity, support pollinators, and improve our wellbeing.

Love flowers and plants? You'll love our flowers and plants apparel! A collection of shirts, hoodies, and more featuring hand-drawn designs, all purchases fund the planting of trees and donate to environmental nonprofits as part of our mission.

Flower shirts

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