

Are Real Christmas Trees Bad For the Environment? | BeCause Tees

Are Real Christmas Trees Bad for the Environment? 

Wondering whether real Christmas trees are bad for the environment? Questioning whether perhaps artificial trees are an eco-friendlier alternative? We examine the pros and cons of both real and artificial Christmas trees to see which is the better option for the environment. Spoiler: real Christmas tress aren’t as bad for the environment as you may think.

Real Christmas Tree Farm

Real Christmas Trees: Bad for the Environment?

The thought of cutting down trees in vast numbers is a worrying one and so we can see why there are concerns over cutting down trees just to have them on display for a matter of weeks during the holidays.

However, research finds that real Christmas trees have a smaller carbon footprint and so may well be the better choice for the environment as opposed to their artificial counterparts.

If real Christmas trees are grown responsibly and for the purpose of being cut down for Christmas, the grower will then plant new trees for every one that is cut down. Buying real trees from a tree farm means they’ll keep growing more trees, which in turn results in more forest-covered land, which benefits local wildlife and the climate. Find out more about why forests are important.

Purchasing a tree that’s been grown locally is very important for lowering the carbon footprint, as the smaller distance travelled, the better! Plus you get to support a local business at the same time.

How you dispose of a real Christmas tree also has an impact on how bad your choice is for the environment. If possible, choosing to replant your tree outside is an option that’s excellent for the environment, as is mulching. Looking into eco-friendly ways to recycle your tree after the holidays will help to ensure choosing a real Christmas tree isn’t bad for the environment.  

Real Christmas tree farm

Are Artificial Trees Better Than Real Trees for the Environment?

The key with artificial Christmas trees is to keep them for as long as possible, to mitigate their negative impact on the environment.

Artificial trees can certainly be beneficial during the holidays, particularly if you have pets. Pine needles falling off a real tree can be dangerous to pets if they get swallowed, so an artificial tree can be safer for them.

However, it’s worth bearing in mind that artificial trees are often shipped large distances to get to the consumer. Perhaps the most negative impact of all on the environment is caused by the plastic materials used to make artificial trees. No matter how long an artificial tree is used for, at some point it will be heading to landfill, where it will be sticking around for a very long time.

So there you have it, the answer to the question “are real Christmas trees bad for the environment?” is ‘no’, and in fact they’re a more eco-friendly alternative to artificial trees. Looking for some eco-friendly ornaments to decorate your tree? Our wooden ornaments are the answer! Made from Baltic Birchwood and engraved with nature-inspired designs, they're an easy way to add a touch of the great outdoors to your tree, whether real or artificial.

Wooden Christmas Ornaments

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